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Thursday, 16 February 2012

Review: Cartoon Camera for Android

When browsing through the Android Market and seeing the text "Cartoon Camera" alongside a snazzy logo I installed the app instantly but Cartoon C wasn't as impressive as its fresh branding.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Amazing new Scalado app revealed for Android

Scalado have revealed a brand new application which will be released for download on the Android Market at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona later this month. The app, which won't be available on iPhone, allows you to remove unwanted objects from photos such as the tourists in front of the Eiffel Tower in the photo above. See Scalado in action in the video below...

Review: Fruit Shoot for Android

This is a free game that has graced our Androids for a fair bit of time now. With more than 250, 000 downloads it is getting to be more and more popular and many people recognize the simplistic flash game layout.

Review: Line Runner for Android

Developed by Robert Sezeleny, Line Runner is one of the simplest games you can find but is equally as addictive! It uses distance as a scoring system and after playing around with this game for just a few minutes I was hooked!